A Confession About "Tell Your Story"

Human connection is a powerful tool. It requires vulnerability, which is incredibly hard to do, especially with people you don’t know. Vulnerability though, begets respect and trust, which are truly the foundation to build relationships on. Once those are established, useful data and facts are just the icing on the cake. 

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Punch Fear in the Face

Have you ever really wanted something in life - that dream job, starting your own business, taking up a new hobby completely outside your “normal” realm - and never quite stretched far enough?

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Enough With the Hate

Big doesn’t equal bad. Consider my parents. Two people who knew that the dairy industry, like every other industry out there, is changing with the times, and if you want to still be a dairyman, continue your family legacy, or whatever it is you’re striving for, you must change too. It’s not necessarily expansion to the degree that we did. It’s diversifying.

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You Don't Know Me

All I want is for this industry I love to thrive. For the people to enjoy being around one another, to learn from one another's successes, and share the hard times to make the burden a bit less. You don't know me. I wish I could get to know you, because I bet if you gave me that chance, you'd find that we have a lot more in common than you think.

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A Dairy Woman’s Prayer

Lord, I know this is a lot to ask. But I also know that You are greater than all of this. Please God, please please please. Return kindness and civility to our industry, because that is the first step to our survival. Amen.

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Opportunity Is Knocking

We’re playing a long game, and the issues we face will continue to arise, albeit in different forms.  We cannot be content to sit back and let others dictate how our products will be marketed in the future.  Recognize our second chance, and be courageous enough to use it well.

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The "S" Word

Agriculture has made leaps and bounds in sustainability over the last century, and will continue to do so as long as our consumers understand why we use those tools.

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Dear Mr. Pacelle

The kicker here is that the technological advances agriculture has made to increase efficiencies and gains and reduce our environmental impact are completely ignored by you and your ilk.

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Throwback Essay

Yes, these cows are our livelihood. If not taken care of properly, my family’s business will suffer. But for us, and for many of our agricultural friends, we care for animals because we love them. It’s our lifestyle. From our first steps in the barn, we’ve known. Animal husbandry is in our blood. We want to ensure that the animals in our care have the best, because in turn these animals take care of our customers…you.

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Remembering Grandpa Jeff

With my grandfather’s passing, the buck has truly been passed to the next generation. I intend to honor his memory by following his example of hard work, integrity, and the pursuit of better in all aspects of life, but most especially in the industry he and I both fiercely love.

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